Discover the world

Exclusive route to great investments

Invest with those who are a reference in assets

At CYK Capital, we understand that your wealth deserves a unique approach. We specialize in serving large investors with innovative solutions to boost their financial success.

Banking group

Full Security Capital

All your investment with fixed tax

Renowned experts

in America, Latin America, Europe and Asia

Assets in minerals, investment funds and Safe Keeping Receipt (SKR)

Immediate liquidity with private investors

Global investment management


We guarantee full control over your asset allocation, so you are in control.

Enjoy unique investment strategies in the world, aligned with the objectives of great wealth.

A different investment group, because we understand that our partners need better options. For this reason, it is on them that we keep our focus.We make sure that our customers feel privileged and not just well-served.

How do we do it? Correctly understanding your needs and, above all, respecting your wishes.

Respect and honesty are the basis of our relationship

Diversified Investmen

Trend Analysis

Responsible Investments (ESG)

Performance Reports

Advance payments upon review

Customer Support and Personalized Services:

Our investment contributions occur exclusively quarterly and proposals must be analyzed by an internal private bench

We increased our investments in minerals and private investment funds, surpassing the mark of more than U$ 30 million operationalized




We started our investments in Asia through business intermediaries

We reach large continents in business such as America, Europe and Latin America

We started to invest in Civil Construction, Health and Science and Technology


Renewing ourselves every day

The smart future is now!

We began encouraging our community to support sustainable energy sources and take action to improve our planet, as well as reaching the 100 million mark under our stewardship.

In our search for sustainable financial profitability, innovation is our fundamental ally. However, we do not limit our vision to just immediate profitability. We prioritize the development of solutions that add long-term value, both for our investors and for the world.

Our approach encompasses investments in research and development to drive innovation across all areas of our operations. Furthermore, we guarantee complete privacy and security for our investors, implementing strict data protection protocols.With an unwavering commitment to integrity and transparency, we are shaping a future where our investors feel comfortable and secure in their financial decisions by redefining the future in intelligent ways.

Keep your registration updated in your home country and maintain your ideas and strategies in the business world.

Private group. For invited members only.

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